Thursday, January 6, 2011

Influx Training

Friday 00:01am

Influx Training completes today, its been a fantastic first week of  2011 back at work. Darren Ellemore has been a fantastic support, an abundance of knowledge and a great trainer, his attention to detail and meticulous procedures help significantly when getting used to this instrument. Overall, the week has been very enjoyable and we have learned alot. Tomorrow is our last day but we feel the support will always continue.

I feel I should comment on thoughts about the instrument, and I don't want to repeat myself at all so I will just say, not only has this instrument given us the ability to get through more samples from users and opened up an entirely new spectrum of experiments but it's also given us a clearer knowledge and fundamental understanding about flow cytometry. Aside from its open architecture that may deter some core operators, its by far the cleanest, easiest, simple yet complex instrument in our fleet.

Darren and BD, Thank you!
